7 Things You should consider before moving to Costa Rica

Coldwell Banker Vesta Group Dominical | 9th May 2014 | Share
7 Things You should consider before moving to Costa Rica
My 10 Year Anniversary  - looking back
Today is my tenth anniversary, living in Dominical Costa Rica. To all my friends that said we would not last – high five! Ten years ago, I was in my thirties. Back then I had dreams that were unfulfilled. Today, I have fulfilled many dreams.

(That is another blog altogether)

I want to share with you the seven things you should consider before making such a move in your life. These were questions that I simply never asked. Maybe these will help you to stop dreaming and starting living.

  1. How do I structure my corporation(s), so that my taxes are won’t keep me up at night?  Laws are constantly changing regarding taxation requirements from many foreign countries.  Right now you should be locating an international tax specialist (not your attorney) for guidance.  All too often I see people saying, “my attorney told me this.”  Come on, your attorney practices law, not taxes. This is a huge mistake I frequently see. Stop.  Call you tax specialist for your specific needs.  Also, do it correctly. There are no real short cuts to consider.

  1. My biggest concern is my dogs’ safety.  What should I know?  You dog will smell new scents in the forests. Maybe the heavy rains will cause it concern.  Do you have a hound dog or a breed with a strong prey drive? Generally speaking, your pet will be just fine.  Thankfully there is no quarantine to be concerned about.  Keep them away from the two most dangerous predators: Toads and Jungle Racoons (know as Pizote’s).  Gate your dogs to start.  Run them on the beach (yes you can).  Most of us have dogs here and do just fine.

  1. How can I really reduce my expenses and eat healthier? Get your vegetable garden built immediately.  Most things grow with ease here so build a “Huerta”, which is your above ground planter box.  From peppers, celery, lettuce, kale, beans, tomatoes, herbs of all kinds, yucca… start immediately.  Also plant your bananas, pineapples and fruit trees right away. Within twelve months you are consuming all the above.  What about chicken? Definitely.  You can raise your own free-range chickens.  Do not wait as this is the best part of living here.

  1. Will I have enough of a social life and things to do – I am afraid of being bored. Your social life here will be multiples better than where you are now.  People come here so they can enjoy and participate in their community.  Although our neighbors may be hundreds of yards away (or more as most of us all have acreage), your social life will be very full!  Bring a skill that you wish to enhance or integrate and you are set.  Never SUPed?  Kayak?  Surf? Plenty of people to enjoy the oceans.  The list is endless - you will not be bored.

  1. Is Costa Rica really paradise or am I just fine back here?  It is.  It might take you months or a year to see it, but once you shed your old life for this one, the beauty is here.  From the ample social scene, to the natural wonders that exist, to the opportunities to create outlets or a business… Or just chill and write a book.  This is time to enjoy.

  1. Should I bring my cars & furniture or do I buy all in Costa Rica?  I get this from almost all my customers.  There are plenty of furniture stores here to meet most styling needs but if you have to have certain appliances or keepsakes then bring them.  I would sell your car unless it is a 4x4 as it will get banged up here on our dirt roads and steep hills.  Diesel is best.  Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi have the best availability for parts.  This should be a big item to consider.

  1. Should I wait until I “retire” or just move now?  I cannot tell you how many times people come here to retire and find out that they are not fit enough to enjoy the jungle.  Or they wait until “we have enough saved” to find out they were wrong.  Or until the reach a certain age.  What?  I moved here at 36 when I was strong and had the energy to enjoy life here.  Lights go out during heavy rains, leaving you to candles.  Why wait if this is your dream.  The best property will be gone by then and you might be too old to fulfill your dreams.

Cheers to our next 10 Years in Costa Rica!
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