A River Runs Through It - Fantastic Costa Rica Farm with plenty of Water resources Reduced by 400K!

Daveed Hollander | 18th February 2014 | Share
A River Runs Through It - Fantastic Costa Rica Farm with plenty of Water resources Reduced by 400K!

As the warm sunlight filters through the tree tops and bounces of the shiny rocks that line the river you begin your trek back home. Surrounded by incredible mountain views, you take a moment to scan your surroundings; it’s hard to believe all of this is really yours! A Costa Rica farm, just like the one you have dreamed of owning all of your life!
Such an idyllic property exists. Located in the South Pacific region of Puerto Jimenez this 131.12 Ha farm has been reduced from $1.5 million to just $850,000. With its killer 360-degree mountain views, this is a value appreciating million dollar property with plenty of potential. Whether you are a nature love or farming enthusiast looking for an exciting eco-tourism entrepreneurial opportunity, this fantastic Costa Rica farm is a one of a kind piece of paradise.

This farm is accessible, positioned just 10 kilometers from the Chacarita crossing on the Interamerican Highway.
Located near the Esquinas River in the Osa Peninsula it forms part of the “Golfo Dule” National Forest Reserve. It is nestled within a landscape that is abundant in fascinating flora and fauna, making it one of the most bio diverse places on the planet.

With 25-year round water springs and many more that dry up when its summer this is a property that boasts an incredible amount of water resources. With two creeks located on the property that join to form what is known as Sambo Creek which in turn runs in the Esquinas River which borders the Costa Rica farm.

These creeks are home to several beautiful waterfalls. One, which is 122 m in height, has the potential to be the focal point of an eco-tour on the farm. Furthermore, fresh water shrimp and fish are abundant in these waters. Get ready to hook up because the Esquinas River offers some great fishing conditions.

Around 20% of the property made up of flat lands situated around Sambo Creek Valley and is a prime for development. Making up a total of 90 acres, the majority of the property contains an old-growth cacao plantation which is currently not being harvested. The rest of the flatland is home to pastures and diverse crops including bananas, sugar cane, cassava and fruit trees such and pineapple and papaya.

The rest of the Costa Rica farm is made of up of steep hills covered by dense rainforest home to an incredible abundance of flora including 3000 species of vascular plants of which 700 are trees. With an old wood house and dirt roads throughout the property the farm is ready for your arrival. And you can always live here while you build your own dream farm home, enjoying pride of place in one of the most beautiful serene locations in Costa Rica.
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