(Dear Sellers) – Time to Think Like a Buyer

Coldwell Banker Vesta Group Dominical | 31st March 2014 | Share
(Dear Sellers) – Time to Think Like a Buyer

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Seller, perhaps a series of articles to you are in order. Yes, it is that time to discuss some of the conversations that go behind the scenes at cocktail parties, amongst brokers (sorry colleagues, but allow me to let the cat out of this bag), and within the walls of our company.

Truth: The average home in our local market has been for sale for 38 months.  Not days…MONTHS! That figure is just now starting to see a retraction due to the newfound strength in our real estate market as money is now flowing in our direction…finally. But the hardships with sellers is that many have yet to adjust their prices or do what is needed to actually sell their home. Let me explain…

Price. Have you looked around at your competition? Have you tried to eliminate the emotions that are holding you back? It would be my suggestion that you spend a day with us (brokers/agents) looking at homes or land to compare with your product. Keep in mind that when we take prospective buyers out with us for a day, we see 5-7 homes and they become educated, quickly. Also, with their newfound knowledge they are in a better position to negotiate. It does not take much effort to see, with your own eyes, what’s happening in your area/neighborhood and thus be confident of your homes value and worth.

Condition. Is your home really in for sale condition? Have you cleaned up the yard lately? Is your road pleasing or jaw breaking? Will our customers feel they are buying a well-maintained asset? Are you cleaning out the cob-webs, putting your dishes away (can you believe that one?), upgrading your furniture from the ones you put in your home ten years ago? Yes, times have changed and so should your furniture. It is critical that when we show your home to a prospective buyer that you put forth some effort so they want to live there! Do not be lazy or take this with a grain of salt…my buyers are comparing your home with the immaculate home we just left.

Eye Pleasing. You think your home is worth a lot, got it. We are here to help you get the most for your home. Please, and I mean, please fix the cracks in your floor, put some fresh paint where it is needed, clean under that sofa that has not been moved in months, get behind the beds and remove things that should not be there, and if you smoke, put some air freshener around your home so that it diffuses the smell. Oh, and your dog… please give it a wash!

We sincerely want to help you…but you first need to help yourself. Please give your home some love and attention so our buyers want to purchase your home and get out and look at comparable homes so you know you are priced to sell.
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